SKAdNetwork (SKAN)

Demystifying Privacy-Preserving App Install Attribution
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The mobile advertising industry thrives on user acquisition, and accurate measurement is paramount to success. However, with growing privacy concerns, traditional methods of tracking user journeys face increasing scrutiny. Here’s where SKAdNetwork (SKAN), a framework by Apple, emerges as a game-changer. This article explores SKAdNetwork (SKAN), its functionalities within the iOS ecosystem, and how you, a mobile app marketer, can leverage it for effective user acquisition campaigns.

What is SKAdNetwork (SKAN)?

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) is an application programming interface (API) introduced by Apple in iOS 14 that facilitates privacy-preserving app install attribution. Unlike traditional methods that rely on user-level data, SKAN prioritizes user privacy by providing aggregated data on app installs and limited conversion events.

How Does SKAN Work?

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the SKAN attribution process:

  1. User Sees Ad: A user encounters a mobile ad for your app served by an ad network integrated with SKAN.
  2. Click & Install: The user clicks on the ad and installs your app directly from the App Store.
  3. Conversion Window: Apple assigns a conversion window (typically 24-48 hours) to track post-install actions.
  4. Privacy-Preserving Conversion Signals: During the window, if a pre-defined conversion event occurs (e.g., in-app purchase, sign-up), the app sends a privacy-preserving conversion signal to Apple.
  5. Aggregated Data Reporting: After the conversion window closes, Apple sends anonymized reports to the ad network, indicating the number of installs and conversions attributed to the specific ad campaign, without revealing user-level data.

Key Functionalities of SKAN

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) offers several functionalities relevant to mobile app marketers:

  • Limited Conversion Value: You can configure SKAN to report a single conversion value alongside the install data, allowing you to differentiate between high-value and low-value users.
  • Conversion Postbacks: Optionally, you can receive conversion postbacks directly from Apple at designated time intervals, providing more granular insights within the limited scope.
  • Multiple Conversion Events: SKAN allows configuration for tracking up to six unique conversion events within your app, 64 revenue buckets, or a combination of each.

Challenges and Considerations with SKAN

While SKAN offers a privacy-centric solution, there are challenges to consider:

  • Limited Data: The lack of user-level data makes it difficult to precisely identify user acquisition sources and optimize campaigns with the granularity of pre-SKAN methods.
  • Attribution Delays: Receiving anonymized reports from Apple can introduce delays compared to access to real-time data in traditional methods.
  • Campaign Optimization: Optimizing campaigns requires adapting to a world with limited, aggregated data. Focusing on campaign creatives, targeting strategies, and leveraging complementary measurement solutions becomes crucial.

Utilizing SKAN for Effective User Acquisition

Despite the limitations, here are strategies to leverage SKAN for effective user acquisition:

  • Focus on Creatives & Targeting: Prioritize high-performing ad creatives and optimize targeting strategies to maximize campaign effectiveness within the limited data landscape.
  • Utilize Cohort Analysis: Leverage cohort analysis to group users based on install timeframe and track their in-app behavior for insights into user lifetime value and campaign performance.
  • Embrace Privacy-First Marketing: Adapt your user acquisition strategy to a privacy-first environment, focusing on building trust and organic app discovery alongside paid campaigns.
  • Complementary Measurement Solutions: Consider integrating complementary measurement solutions alongside SKAN that can provide additional, privacy-compliant user insights.

5 Key Takeaways from SKAdNetwork (SKAN)

  • Privacy-Preserving Attribution: SKAN facilitates app install attribution while prioritizing user privacy by anonymizing data.
  • Limited Data & Delays: SKAN reports provide aggregated data with potential delays compared to traditional methods.
  • Conversion Value & Postbacks: Configure SKAN for limited conversion value reporting and consider optional conversion postbacks for more insights.
  • Campaign Optimization Strategies: Adapt your strategy to focus on creatives, targeting, cohort analysis, and privacy-first marketing.
  • Complementary Solutions: Integrate SKAN with other privacy-compliant measurement solutions for a holistic view.

Our mobile glossary is a great introduction to terms used often in mobile growth marketing.

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